Traveling Tot

Traveling with toddlers can be a PAIN. Trying to figure out all the gear you have to bring is enough to cancel the trip all together. Lord knows why they call it a “Pack-n-Play”, because nothing about that Pack-n-Play “packs” up easily into a 4 door sedan with a full trunk. The thing is 4…

Breakfast for Two

A simple way to make breakfast for both baby and you. It’s time for my baby to start eating solids, can you believe it?! Instead of buying pre made baby foods full of preservatives, I simply put aside a little of whatever I’m making for myself, blend and feed. Not only is is easier, its…

Stocking Stuffers For Baby + GIVEAWAY!

  Plus a Nuby USA, Finn+Emma, Little Ella Rae & Milestone Baby   Happy, Happy, Happy Holidays, Folks! I’m going to be hosting a HUGE giveaway starting TODAY which will run through CHRISTMAS MORNING! This is an Instagram only giveaway, so although details are posted here on my blog, the only way to enter and…

Mustela’s Healthy, Happy Bottoms

If you were to give Marco a choice between a basket of toys or a rash free bum for Christmas, he’d absolutely pick the latter. Now, if it came to a hamburger vs a healthy, happy bottom… chances are he’d go for the burger. Nevertheless, one of the only things my Marco Man hates more…

The Gift of Time + JORD GIVEAWAY!

Season’s Greetings! Today I’m back to share my holiday gift selection for the man in my life. Have you ever noticed us women have our Christmas Lists complete by September, while we’re still left scrambling around trying to decide on the perfect gift for him just days before the holiday? Let’s face it, men are…


My Favorite Black & White Styles For Kids. Lately I’ve been into black & white outfits, blame it on Halloween. Actually, I’ve always loved the monochromatic look. I wore black everyday in school way before the goth kids proclaimed it, and I started dying my hair black from light brown around age 16. Now it’s…

What Would Kate Do: 2016 Holiday Royal Jewelry Box

Some of you may remember one of my all-time favorite posts: What Would Kate Do? where I featured the WWKD Royal Beauty Box that contained beauty samples used by the beautiful Princess Kate and a replica of her stunning sapphire engagement ring. Anytime I can blab about the Royal family I do so happily, and with so much…

Memory Keepsake Puppy

Some of you may remember this picture from my Instagram on the day I brought Johnny home from the hospital. Well, Stitches by Natalie took this blanket and turned it into a special keepsake for us. From this blanket came Johnny’s Memory Puppy, an incredibly clever way to save newborn blankets in a way that can…

What’s In My Hospital Bag [Third Time Around]

So since baby John Fox came a little early (37 weeks), this post is coming a little late (OK, a lot late). I wanted to get it published around week 38 of pregnancy but obviously that’s not how things went down. (Read John Fox’s Birth Story and My Recovery Story). There’s a lot of useful…

Potty Time!

I peeked around the corner of the hallway and saw pieces and shreds of toilet paper flying everywhere. Accompanied by that were squeals of excitement and loud laughter. Marco had just finished going pee pee on the potty for the first time and his sister made no light deal of it. They were having way…

Shopping for Busy Moms

Oh how I miss the days when it was just me, myself and I on the road headed to the mall to do some shopping for myself. How simple life was! I’d get to drive at my own pace, have my windows down, listen to any song I wanted and spend all the time in…

Outdoor Fun

You’ve got to be to kidding me… it’s the end of September?! This month flew by, and I can’t believe I haven’t posted anything so far this month. Truth is, I have tons of photos ready to go but I just haven’t had a chance to hop on WordPress. Excuses aside, here are some special memories…